Aprendendo com o Lenny

Aprendendo com o Lenny

Atenção a todos Little Kickers!

Certifique-se de assistir este vídeo antes de ler o resto desta missão secreta :

Special agents, hopefully you have seen the video. Lenny needs YOUR help. Together you can make it across the bridge!

Remember; use BOTH feet to take the treasure across the bridge. Do we use our hands? NO! We HAVE to use our feet, remembering to keep the ball nice and close to us.

Don't worry if you haven't got cones or a goal, use jumpers (maybe your Dad's old one with the holes in?) or anything you can find.

Let us know if you manage to get across the bridge safely with your treasure (the football!), tweet us or post a message on our Facebook page. Lenny loves to read what you have been up to!

Good luck team!

Little Kickers HQ & Lenny

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